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Human Rights

Working with Baum und Pferdgarten should always be under proper conditions and at a fair wage in all stages of our supply chain. Every person involved in the making of our garments must be treated equally and with the utmost respect. Our values are reflected in our Human Rights Policy and our Code of Conduct.

Our Code of Conduct follows the UN Guiding Principles and the Human Rights bill and is build upon the framework provided by Dansk Fashion & Textiles. (DM&T) This Code of Conduct is set to guide, inform and ensure that employees and partners throughout our entire business have a clear understanding of and comply with our guiding principles and the ethical values we want to uphold.

Gender and Personal Bias

We believe in diversity and empowering individuality. People should be able to work free from both gender- and personal bias. Therefore all people employed through our supply chain must be treated equally no matter their age, cultural heritage, nationality, sexuality, religion and gender. We require people are given the right to express themselves, freedom of speech and tolerate no discrimination or discriminatory behaviour in any form. All wages must for both men and women be based on skill and effort, not based on gender. Furthermore, we demand that men and women receive the same job opportunities and possibilities to grow within their position and develop their skill set. This is achieved when every voice is heard, and we prioritise personal talks with employees across all levels of hierarchy during audits, meetings and visits.

Health and Safety

A healthy and safe work environment that extends to all aspects of our supply chain is key to us at Baum und Pferdgarten. We demand that everyone should be able to do their job without endangering their health by having access to protective equipment and be provided with healthcare that covers all work-related hazards. We are setting strict chemical standards to protect both workers and customers from hazardous substances in products and their production. We further demand all employees have the necessary sanitary facilities, including access to toilets and clean drinking water.


We create products meant to tell a story, and we want humans to tell their story too. People involved in all stages of our production must have the freedom to express themselves in both appearance and voice their opinion - doing so without the fear of discrimination, harassment, or losing their job. We have a zero-tolerance policy in regards to harassment such as sexual misconduct, violence, or any abuse of power and status. Reporting these offences or any breach of our Code of Conduct must always be possible and safe for the individual. All reports, regardless of circumstance or legitimacy, must be treated with discretion and anonymously and free from sanctions. Suppliers must have established a dedicated complaint box available for all employees to anonymously voice concerns.

Furthermore, any complaints, concerns or violations can be reported directly to Baum und Pferdgarten by using the following e-mail: whistleblower@baumundpferdgarten.com

We advise all suppliers to share this e-mail with their workers.


We have a 100% anti-corruption policy and proudly build our business on integrity. Therefore we do under no circumstances accept bribery of any sort. Employees are strictly prohibited from receiving presents, monetary gifts or anything else that can be perceived as bribery including but not limited to cash, free clothes, vouchers and anything that goes beyond symbolic value. If in doubt, get a second opinion.

Labour Standards

It is paramount to us that we provide everyone we work with fair labour conditions. Therefore everyone should be given the right to both form and join trade unions, engage in collective bargaining while retaining their right to strike. Workers should have the security of an employment contract which they should have the right to terminate freely. We believe a good quality of life is key to a healthy life, and therefore, work should be carried out during appropriate working hours and overtime monitored to only occur under specific circumstances. In case of overtime, workers must be compensated, and workers should be allowed time to rest, leisure time and paid holidays under national regulation. We do under no circumstances accept child labour, forced labour or slavery.


At Baum und Pferdgarten, it is a requirement that everyone employed throughout our supply chain is paid at least a minimum wage. We encourage our suppliers to pay wages higher than the minimum and are open to dialogue on how to increase salaries.

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